Industry Expertise – Legal


IT Support for Legal Offices and Law Firms

Don’t just partner with any managed services company, your law firm’s specific needs are too important. Our expertise goes beyond just keeping your network up and running and keeping incidents from happening that can paralyze your practice. We have unique experience in the legal market vertical. Our consultants are familiar with popular case management programs from Lexis Nexis® such as Time Matters®, PC Law®, TrialWorks™, and other popular billing and collections software. We even have certified consultants at our disposal who specialize in individual case management applications if you require more advanced training or customizations.

    Compliance and Data protection

    Many law firms must comply with regulations like SOX, HIPAA, and FRCP, which require networks to be monitored in real time and ensure high levels of security to guard confidential data. We have the technical know-how necessary to comply with these laws and keep your network secure from hackers or other prying eyes.

      Archiving and Data retention laws

      Developing an archiving policy is the first step, but many companies fail to bring in the right IT partner to accomplish the task of controlling information and building a proper records retention schedule. No matter what form you keep them in, your archived records must be in order, easily accessible, and must meet HIPAA, SOX, or FRCP requirements in order to fulfill any e-discovery requests.

        Vendor Liaison

        When we say we’re your “new virtual IT department”, we mean it. As part of all of our managed service contracts, we include contacting any third party vendors on your behalf. This includes software vendors for your case management software, printer and copier vendors, internet service providers, and hosting companies. We deal with all of these companies and step in when necessary so you don’t have to. Often times a “technical minded” person handling the call makes a world of difference in solving problems rather than having your in-house staff or office managers waste their time dealing with the gauntlet of nonsense you often find with first tier support personnel.

          Truly invested in your practice

          We have a vested interest in seeing your business succeed. Without your business, we have nothing. The IT consultants and account managers we assign to your account are constantly reviewing and finding new ways to improve efficiency and your bottom line. Audits for things like printing costs, telephone and internet services, hosting providers, paperless solutions, and software licensing costs are routinely and uniquely evaluated as part of all of our managed service contracts.