IT Risk Management


IT Risk Assessment for Coral Springs Businesses

Almost every business owner we work with waits far too long to have us diagnose their computer network’s status. By not performing regular maintenance, a nasty virus, malicious hacker, an unexpected software corruption, hardware failure, or dozens of other problems could catch you off guard resulting in extensive downtime, data loss, and expensive disaster recovery fees.

At some point, disaster strikes, and you will find yourself in a real mess with your network offline. By then, the damage is done, often costing thousands of dollars to restore your network, with a possible loss of irreplaceable accounting, client, and business data – not to mention the hours of costly downtime.

What saddens us even more is the fact that nearly every one of these costly disasters could have been avoided by someone checking their network’s security and health on a regular basis.

We know you are so inundated running your business that you simply forget to think about the security and health of your network – so consider this offer as a “friendly reminder“.


    We’re offering you a FREE check-up, so you have no excuse for not making sure that your computer network is safe, not only from spyware and viruses, but also hackers, spam, data loss, hardware failure, software corruption, and a number of other disasters.

    During your free network check-up we will:

      • Make sure your firewall is protecting you from the latest hacker attacks, worms, and viruses.

      • Scan for & remove malware/spyware that is secretly hogging your company’s bandwidth, reducing your computer network speed, and stealing confidential information about you, your employees, and your business.

      • Check your network’s back-up system to ensure it is working properly and accurately backing up all of the critical files and information you never want to lose.

      • Ensure that you have the most up-to-date security patches installed properly.

      • Diagnose slow, unstable PCs.

        There are numerous system checks and updates that should be done on a regular basis to ensure maximum speed, performance, and security. Ignore them and your system will get progressively slower, unstable, and susceptible to viruses, spyware, and hackers.

        Think about this for a moment…

        What else in your business is more valuable than the data on your network? Just imagine how devastating it would be to lose it! That’s why this check-up is so important. We’ll conduct a comprehensive review of your network’s security settings to make sure your data is safe and secure.

          So what’s the catch?

          I’m sure you’re wondering why we’d be willing to give this away for free.

          We know from working with plenty of business owners that the last thing on your mind is computer maintenance. You, or someone in your office, is probably not checking and verifying the integrity of your back-ups; scanning for viruses and spyware on a weekly basis; and checking the logs to look for hardware failures, disk space limits, available updates, security patches, and other issues.

          That means you are at risk for a major computer meltdown. If you allow us to come in and review your network, we can prove to you that our easy, affordable maintenance can finally give you complete peace of mind knowing someone is watching your network to make absolutely certain you will not experience a devastating disaster in your business. After all, don’t you just want your computer network to work the way it’s supposed to?

          That’s why we’re making this offer. We know that we are, hands down, the best at what we do; but we don’t think it’s fair for you to risk your money to find out. We don’t expect everyone to become a customer, but we know that some will end up becoming loyal, long-term clients.

          So what are you waiting for?

          Request a Call and schedule your free assessment today!